Visited once / Acquaintance, anything used once Very familiar (home, office) / Best friend, prized possessionįamiliar (local mall) / Co-worker, possession Line of sight / Blood relation, body sample This table represents the effective range one can reach using Correspondence, or how distant a connection can be influenced, based on successes rolled. Mages using this level of Correspondence with other Spheres can create bizarre effects, interacting with space in ways only limited by the Mage's imagination. More interestingly, the Mage can now remove the limits of space – things can exist in the same location at the same time, superimposed upon each other as two locations become one. A three-foot rod might look ten feet long, or a gun's bullet could reverse on the shooter. A Mage can stretch distances, play with volumes and angles, and rework the very nature of dimensions and space. Finally, more than just extending perceptions to multiple places, the Mage can now be at multiple places at once – and with judicious use of other Spheres, might even be able to think and act differently in each place! Master Correspondence (Mutate Localities, Co-Location) The Master of Correspondence not only pulls, tears, and mends space, but bends and twists it like taffy. The Mage can also make space selective, creating portals that only allow certain patterns, or place himself outside of space, allowing him to watch literally from nowhere. A Mage might also tear space around an object, effectively removing its influence from reality. Adept Correspondence (Rend Space, Co-Locate Self) No longer simply opening portals for a moment, the Mage now tears holes in space that remain, allowing others to move through the distortion. Of course, this Sphere alone doesn't help the Mage interpret the incoming data, and co-locality perception can quickly turn into a cacophony of sight and sound. Even more impressive, the Mage now has a limited ability to remove their perceptions from the limits of space, watching and listening at many places at once. Furthermore, the Mage's ability to strengthen Space is enhanced, allowing them to seal space against intrusion and close gates and wormholes. Rather than simply sending his perceptions, the Mage can now send himself across space, in a limited but effective form of teleportation. The character can now open rifts in space lasting for an instant. Disciple Correspondence (Pierce and Seal Space, Co-Locality Perception) The Mage has learned to manipulate the very fabric of space, in a clumsy fashion. Also, you can now combine Correspondence with other Spheres, increasing their range of usefulness. You can sense space, touch it, feel it – but as of yet, not mold it, rip it, tear it, or repair it. To a lesser degree, you can also strengthen the notion of space, making it harder for others to scry on you. The visions of this level are vague and unclear, as well. More elaborate rituals may allow you to conduct long-distance scrying, but generally requires something connected to that place, and creates more of a connection (and thus evidence) than most Mages care to leave. Initiate Correspondence (Sense and Touch Space) You can now extend your senses with Correspondence – not only sight and sound, but touch, smell, and taste if need be.
With the right Rotes, a Mage can even detect warps in space, teleportation signatures, gates, wormholes, and other instabilities in space. Common effects at this point allow the Mage to feel out the contours of objects around him, to accurately know the distance to or size of an object, and sense Patterns which may be hidden to his other senses.
#Akashic brotherhood life rotes how to#
Sphere Levels Apprentice Correspondence (Immediate Spatial Perceptions) The Mage has learned how to see space, and gained an intuitive knowledge of distances and directions. Correspondence doesn't affect parts of a Pattern – it is concerned about the relationships between Patterns as a whole.
Correspondence covers relationships between objects, links between places, distance, and ultimately the realization that distance is just an illusion.Ĭorrespondence cannot teleport a person's heart out of their body, or the gas out of a car, without using high levels of Life or Matter as well. It may be easy to pass off Correspondence as the magic of space, but the Sphere has broader applications than that.
For example, a wedding ring links you to your spouse, even if you're on opposite sides of the world. Correspondence is the magic of connections – links between Patterns that exist independent of distance and space.